Note (15.02.2024): Last updated on 23.09.2021 (changelog). This page has been replaced by a current version and is available here as an archive for the AEL book version 1.0 until further notice.
“Education is thus understood as the ability to make reasonable self-determination, which presupposes or includes emancipation from heteronomy, as the ability to achieve autonomy, to think freely and to make one’s own moral decisions. It is precisely for this reason that self-activity is the central form of execution of the educational process.”
Wolfgang Klafki (2007, S. 19)1
This chapter describes why Educational is the central anchor point for agile educational leadership. In order to achieve the goal of providing modern human development and enabling the current and next generation to act in the future, the possibility of personal growth for all and fair and free access to education play an important role. The perspectives in terms of content and so-called future skills that can contribute to achieving this goal are shown with a view to educational institutions and personal growth, as are the special features of the educational sectors in the German ‘Bildungssystem’.
[Note: If the media file is not displayed correctly in your browser, all podcast chapters of the AEL book version 1.0 can also be listened to directly here.(german version)]
- Educational and ‘Bildung’
- Pathways through education
- Enabling future capacity to act
- Skills shaping the future
- Agile Educational Leadership in the education sector
Educational and ‘Bildung’
The concept of Bildung , rooted in the German tradition, goes beyond the idea of ‘education’ as mere knowledge acquisition. It encompasses a holistic development of the individual, including intellectual growth, personal and moral development, cultural understanding, and the ability to think critically and act responsibly in society. Each of us associates something personal with good ‘Bildung’. After all, we have all encountered personal growth — in one form or another — from my point of you within the context of the German education system. Whether through personal experiences or by navigating various educational institutions, we likely associate it with a multitude of memories. These might stem from early childhood education, different school systems, vocational and academic education, or even lifelong learning in the context of adult education and professional development.
The german concept of ‘Bildung’ represents the frame of reference for Agile Educational Leadership, even though the term Educational educational is now emphasized in Agile Educational Leadership. There are many reasons for this.
In the present perspective, the English term Educational takes center stage because, in its broadest sense, it encompasses what we in German-speaking contexts differentiate as ‘Bildung’, as well as upbringing, socialization, teaching, and learning, including the associated institutions and organizations. For what we associate with ‘Bildung’ in the German educational tradition — particularly from a humanities perspective — there is no equivalent term in English3.
Agile Educational Leadership: A Way of Understanding
The terms in question were originally used in English within the German text itself, which might raise some eyebrows. However, this choice was made deliberately after careful consideration. Terms like “Leadership” and “Leader” are increasingly preferred in German-speaking contexts over their native counterparts, such as “Management” and “Manager” have become standard in everyday usage. This tendency will be explored further in the relevant section, along with the observation that concepts such as “Agile Leadership” or “Digital Leadership” are rarely translated into German anymore.
The preference for English terminology is also evident in other discussions within the educational field, such as those on Open Education, Open Educational Resources (OER), or Open Educational Practices (OEP). This is partly because these terms originated in international contexts and partly to ensure continued relevance in global discourse.
While some may take issue with the integration of English terms in German discussions — a trend also reflected in this text — the dynamic intersections of education, learning, and digital transformation naturally inhabit this linguistic space.
The term Educational was therefore deliberately chosen for its broader and more fitting meaning. Instead of opting for a seemingly obvious but semantically misleading translation such as “agile Führung im Bildungsbereich” (agile leadership in the field of education), the consistent use of Agile Educational Leadership has been maintained.
Furthermore, the placement of Educational between Agile and Leadership underscores its central role as a bridge between the two. The term Agile Educational Leadership thus embodies this particular perspective and interpretation.
Pathways through education
In most cases, those for whom education is important or for whom education has given them something meaningful for their own path in a process of appropriation and debate associate education with something positive – possibly with experiences or consequences that can be characterised as described by the scholar in education Wolfgang Klafki in the opening quote, which he formulated in 1985. Something that helped them personally, regardless of their background, to experience self-determination in critical thinking and action as something self-effective and empowering. For in the “understanding of classical educational theory, education is general education insofar as it is supposed to be education for all.“ (Klafki 2007, S. 21; translation with deeplPro, original emphasis)1
Learning opportunities for Everyone
And presumably many people start with their individual and biographical references when it comes to access to education, in line with their ideas of education for all.
Above all, education usually plays an important role for those for whom it meant opening doors, who are less privileged and, as it is said today, grew up more or less far removed from education. These individuals are often the first in their families to complete higher education or pursue an academic degree, which has subsequently shaped their lives. These so-called first generation students are an important part of higher education, representing the diversity of today’s cohorts of students (see the situation of students in germany up to 2016)4 and in planning5. For these individuals, education is likely associated with the opening and creation of opportunities and access.
he fact that this proportion of students has remained relatively low to this day is well known and can be explained by the low permeability of the German education system. The fact that there is still a lot of potential in the area of permeability has already been demonstrated several times in representative, international comparative studies such as the IEA comparative study ICILS (International Computer and Information Literacy Study) 2018 (Eickelmann et al., 2019)6 problematised. Conversely, education that is not made possible also stands for the prevention of development opportunities and life chances. Education is crucial! Education matters!
Substainable Development Goal 4 or SDG4
The social importance of accessibility becomes clearer when you look at the current 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)7 of the United Nations, which the world has agreed to achieve by 2030. They are intended to ensure sustainable development on an economic, social and ecological level and are aimed at preserving and shaping the living environment of future generations.
The 4th Sustainable Development Goal or SDG4 is dedicated to education, which is considered and treated as a high priority. SDG48 is geared towards the following global activity to promote equal opportunities: “Equitable quality education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all.”
Agenda “Bildung 2030”
In Germany, the German Commission for UNESCO is discussing this global endeavour for equitable and high-quality education under “Agenda Bildung 2030“9 and supporting its implementation. A look at the relatively low proportion of adults with tertiary education qualifications compared to the rest of the EU10 shows that Germany still has potential for development in relation to the EU average.
But regardless of this, access to education and educational equity in the sense of education for all cannot be about less or more, but always about as much, good and better as possible!
Because we as a society, and especially as stakeholders in the education sector, have a responsibility to provide the next generation(s) with a good (basic) education that enables them to deal confidently with uncertainties, ambiguities and constant (cultural) change, to be able to act in the future and to make sustainable decisions and solve future problems.
Enabling future capacity to act
After more than a year of disruption in the education sector, it can be observed that the education sector as we have known it to date, with its stakeholders, is clearly not resilient and flexible enough under crisis conditions. So what mode could be used to better organize education under these crisis-ridden conditions, which will continue to be difficult to plan for in the future, and cultivate a sustainable capacity to act?
The challenge of uncertainty
A glance at the German daily press and public debate online is enough to get a picture of the contradictory opinions on the next sensible steps (opening vs. closing), to ascertain opposing and sometimes charged positions (presence vs. online) or to gain a picture of disillusioned actors (fulfilment of duty vs. self-assessment), to name just a few facets.
In view of the pandemic and its as yet unforeseeable consequences, but also with a view to the ongoing digital transformation as a permanent, essential social condition, the central challenge for the education sector remains to enable fair access to education for all and at the same time to think about education in a future-oriented way and to realise it with contemporary educational formats. This refers to learning and educational formats that enable learners to gain experience with complex challenges. This includes independently developing solutions to problems for which there is more than one or no standardized solution, gaining experience in communicating and interacting with diverse people and perspectives, and experiencing that ideas for solutions can also fail and learning from mistakes. As it is currently organized, the education system appears to be barely capable of dealing with uncertainties and ambiguities in a confident manner, as well as preparing students for dealing with complex problems and issues across the different areas of education.
Personal Growth
But what does it mean to enable personal education or personal growth in a sustainable way or to realise contemporary education?
It is basically what Wolfgang Klafki describes in his quote at the beginning. It is very much about a personal perspective that goes beyond unifying standardizations or a one-size-fits-all solution, for example in learning or educational opportunities. In essence, it is about a person-orientation or learner-orientation that does not view the variety or diversity of learners’ needs as a challenge, but rather these different approaches, needs and perspectives as sources and resources of diverse perspectives and opportunities for the course of individual educational processes.
And even if education is always an individual process that is based on one’s own history, previous knowledge and previous experiences, something as abstract as education usually happens when there is an interaction, an exchange with something or with other people. Put simply, educational processes take place on occasions that irritate you, perhaps even shake up your previous attitudes or images of the world and thus put you in a minor or major personal crisis situation. A reflective, productive or critical confrontation with such a situation and, in the best case, overcoming it leaves its mark on us. Education therefore always means change. Generally speaking, this refers to how individuals see and perceive the world and themselves and reflect on this relationship. A world that is becoming more complex and places increasingly higher demands on our own ability to reflect. This process of education can be seen as a personal transformation.
Education sometimes takes place consciously and purposefully, sometimes we hardly notice it. Perhaps we only realise later that we have undergone informal training in certain areas. At other times, we have deliberately selected educational programmes and are also interested in seeing whether and what we know or can do more of afterwards and want to have this certified in a suitable form.
Contemporary needs
When people ask what children, young people or adults, but also senior citizens, should learn in educational institutions today because they need it in everyday life and for life in order to be competent today, but rather for the future, in order to deal with increasing complexity, there is usually a reference to critical faculties or “being critical”. With reference to the current digitalization and digital transformation, comments are often made in the direction of media skills, including changed communication skills or digital skills. Not infrequently in connection with the important reference to the continued importance of direct communication and togetherness or, more generally, the role of personal relationships as social glue.
The situation during the pandemic shows very clearly where the way we will communicate, work and live with each other in the future is heading. How many of us are now able to take part in a video conference with one or more people via our smartphone, tablet or computer or use messenger services instead of writing long emails as a matter of course? Handwritten paper letters or cards are now rare – and at the same time have become a very special gesture among all the digital forms of communication. How many have casually started to learn, for example, to make appointments via online portals as a matter of course, to buy tickets online with an app or at a ticket machine, without thinking about how many computers are now installed in our everyday lives and where which data is needed and what happens to it? In addition, more and more online learning opportunities are emerging in a variety of ways, especially for personal development.
At the same time, in addition to digitalisation, as addressed by the 17 SDGs mentioned above, there are other major challenges ahead of us, such as demographic change and climate change, and therefore the question of how we want to live in the future and what we should have learned for this. Or to put it another way, how can we prepare ourselves as well as possible today for a future that we can only guess at today?
Future-Readiness and Higher Education
In the field of higher education, there is increasing talk of promoting future skills, particularly with regard to digitalisation and mechanisation, in order to prepare students for future professions and fields of activity. The specific focus of such competences is debatable.
Here, they are used as an example for the challenging task of designing study programs in the field of higher education, which must strike a balance between subject-specific and interdisciplinary skills acquisition.
At the same time, future skills are exemplary of how the discussions about the relationship between specialized education and general education are still being conducted today, which topics are being debated and which offers are ultimately available to students. It goes without saying that all those involved are certainly striving for the best for current and future students and want to provide them with the best possible conditions for good university degrees, but overcoming existing study structures requires a great deal of commitment from many sides.
This means that tried and tested structures and current necessities are sometimes at odds with each other. This is because to this day, subject-specificity or the “right” subject content is still generally given the highest priority. Many will remember the conversion of the European higher education system in the early 2000s as part of the Bologna reform, when the so-called ‘traditional study programs’ with Magister or Diplom degrees were transformed into new Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes based on modules (The ‘Staatsexamen’ plays a special role in this context up to the present ). Although there was a broad consensus on the reform, it was mostly carried out in the form of transferring as much curricular content as possible from the old degree programmes into new modules. Critical scrutiny and consideration of the specific objectives behind the new modules or which subject-specific or interdisciplinary competences should be promoted and assessed and how, were neglected, especially in the early stages of the reform. Due to formal capacity restrictions in the form of standardized credit points, which represent available time units per degree programme, degree programmes and modules cannot be expanded at will. To this day, the challenge of every degree programme reform, but also a constantly renewed opportunity, is to consider and negotiate, ideally together with students, how many credit points should be awarded for which content or competences and for how many credit points, given a capped total amount.
Academic discipline, personal growth and employability
To this day, the design of modules is handled differently depending on the educational organisation, but subject content is always confronted with new interdisciplinary content and skills. This often raises the question of whether interdisciplinary content such as language acquisition, digital skills, research methods or scientific theory should be integrated separately in a general studies or elective area or in the specialised degree programmes. In addition, increasing digitalisation is also changing the subject content itself and new subject areas are developing, such as digital humanities in the humanities. In many cases, these requirements arise directly from practice or the later field of work of students who do not remain at university and pursue an academic career. The German Council of Science and Humanities emphasises how relevant it is for universities to make contributions to (specialist) science, personal development and labour market preparation in equal measure with a view to the individual and the labour market (Wissenschaftsrat 2015)11 . However, especially since the Bologna reform, the concept of employability of students, which was prominently introduced there, has always been viewed critically, especially at universities with their constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of research and teaching.
Despite increasing involvement in the social transfer sector, universities in particular still see themselves more strongly connected to the tradition of education through science and the freedom of research. This may help to explain why the realization of a contemporary education for all, which can be simultaneously related to (specialist) science, personal development and preparation for the labour market, is still a challenge for the higher education sector today in terms of implementation within the framework of existing degree programme structures.
Skills shaping the future
With a view to sustainable education, the focus at this point is less on educational forms and concepts and more on competences and subjects as well as the way in which education or learning can take place in a foward-looking manner within this framework. Always with a view to the digital transformation of the education sector that is currently taking place.
Media-related skills and data literacy
Subject areas that are currently regarded as new, future-oriented competences (not only) for the higher education sector are still what used to be referred to as media literacy and are now referred to for teachers and learners in Germany as “education in the digital world” (Kultusministerkonferenz 2017)12 or generally for citizens under Digital Competence/ Digitale Kompetenzen13.
Since our media-permeated world is increasingly datafied, i.e. data is the basis for many things such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and, for example, learning analytics in the education sector, and is becoming increasingly important, data literacy of all actors is of central importance.
(Schüller et al., 2019)14 and Educational Data Literacy im Kontext von Learning Analytics im Hochschulkontext (e.g. Ifenthaler, 2020)15 .
21st Century Skills and Future Skills
Especially for students, skills that go beyond specific digital applications and are generally bundled under the heading of 21st century skills (e.g. 21st-century learning ((, accessed 31.03.2021)), similar to what used to be called key competencies) are considered important, although they are currently always considered against the background of digital transformation and a media-permeated and data-infused living environment for all.
These include the so-called 4C oder 4K (Fadel et al., 2017)16 such as crativity, critical thinking, communication an collaboration or so-called future skills17, which go in a similar direction and can expand the perspective to include further competencies such as entrepreneurship, self-determination or decision-making skills (see i.e. Ehlers, 2020)18. For several years, there has been much written and said about these fields of competence and, above all, consideration has been given to how and where they can be systematically integrated into university teaching, beyond individual teachers or courses of study that have already adopted them in an exemplary and reliable approaches. However useful this competences may be, they alre also being discussed critically in terms of the extent to which the interests of academic learning or external interests, such as companies, prevail in determining what ist currently relevant. And so, in addition to subject-related and interdisciplinary issues, different interests are also at stake here.
Irrespective of this, the challenge for interdisciplinary skills still lies in the systematic and mandatory implementation of such courses in the learning opportunities offered by Institutions of Higher Education– and in a way that also makes it clear to students that this is seen as highly relevant to the content and not an optional programme that should not disrupt the subject content. Depending on the university profile, a general studies programme or a similar programme with a different name has been standard for years or there is still a struggle over the location, timing and proportion of the overall degree programme. The fact that interdisciplinary study programmes still count as a distinguishing feature for universities today says a lot about the status of the discussion as a whole and shows that there is still a need for the corresponding development of teaching programmes. A confident ‘as well as’ of academic discipline, personal growth and employability, taking all interests into account, can be expedient here.
21st Century Skills and ‘Bildung’
These examples of higher education can also be transferred to other areas of education, as the competences mentioned are relevant for all citizens who have not yet had the opportunity to acquire them or would like to improve them on an ongoing basis.
In addition to a pragmatic view of what is relevant for survival in everyday life and in companies or in the professional field, 21st Century Skills and other future-oriented approaches always take into account their respective contribution to the personal growth of various actors. For example, 21st Century Skills also includes much of the demand for education as found in Klafki, where the focus is on empowering learners to self-determination on the basis of reason. Critical thinking and collaboration as well as communication are fields that should contribute to independent and moral thinking and the ability to act, to be able to tackle (socially) relevant problems with new approaches and not just submit to previous guidelines (heteronomy). Self-activity or self-activity is the form of learning, teaching or generally enabling education that Klafki emphasises for this. One could also say that being creative oneself, learning from one’s own mistakes and thus taking responsibility for one’s own actions and their consequences is what essentially characterises education. In this context, in addition to individual action, relationships also play a stimulating role in joint action, as they are more likely in the context of co-operation and collaboration.
In this respect, the new future-oriented skills are not so new, even though clearer demands and interests are being signalled today, such as what companies expect from university graduates. However, depending on the perspective and intensity of implementation of future skills or 21st century skills with their 4Cs, the core ideas of education, which according to Klafki (2007)1 are reflected in the ability to self-determination and co-determination as well as the ability to show solidarity, can also be found here.
Particularly with regard to our social, democratic coexistence, aspects such as diversity and the ability to show solidarity are once again of enormous importance in view of social development in the course of the digital transformation. And we have this responsibility for the next generation(s) – to provide them with a framework for education that allows them to deal confidently with the uncertainties and challenges of the social, digital transformation and to think about and develop smart, sustainable and new ideas for a shift in the labour market or new forms of (lifelong) learning. Bildung matters!
Agile Educational Leadership in the education sector
Where and how we consciously or casually perceive education depends entirely on the educational context in which we find ourselves. In other words, whether we are in a more informal educational context (such as a museum or a virtual community) or more in a non-formal (such as an adult education centre or a freely accessible online self-study course) or formal educational context (such as a school or virtual Master’s degree course). The formal or institutional educational context, which is the particular focus here, is still characterised by the fact that institutionalised learning opportunities are offered here in a structured manner along framework specifications and with the possibility of proof in the form of certifications or certificates.
Ecucational context: higher education
The conceptual and practical idea behind Agile Educational Leadership is to take a critical and constructive look at values and practices from the context of Agile Leadership in particular with regard to their adaptability for the various educational contexts – above all, however, in the formal or institutionalized educational context and here exemplary for higher education.
A basic assumption is that agile educational leadership can be adopted by individual actors in the education sector across all educational areas, from early childhood education to work with adolescents and young adults to senior citizens, as well as in the entire school and tertiary sector, including further education and a lifelong learning perspective. The higher education sector can also be included here.
Following the Bologna reform described above, a particular challenge in the development of teaching and thus educational programmes in the higher education sector is that success in teaching is less prestigious for university lecturers than success in research. Accordingly, the commitment to improving teaching and studies and enabling contemporary education is always a personal consideration for particularly interested lecturers. Thus, commitment to teaching tends to take place at the micro level of specific courses or at the meso level of course and programme planning. At the macro level, similar trade-offs are made between teaching and research.
Limits of adaption
The education sector is a special framework in terms of its differentiation, its structures and also in relation to the actors involved. It quickly becomes clear that approaches from management theory, corporate management and project development, for example, cannot be applied to other non-corporate contexts without hesitation. This is precisely why the educational aspect is of central importance in the Agile Educational Leadership approach on which this is based. It is therefore important to take these particularities into account when adapting and developing your own context-related agile practices in the education sector.
This is where the first balancing act arises: a good balance is needed for this adaptation perspective in order to take account of the existing structures in the education sector on the one hand, so that points of contact become visible and can be utilized. On the other hand, it also requires openness to allow the development and implementation of new practices. It is therefore a question of ‘both and’.
Starting point aktors
Agile Educational Leadership, which goes hand in hand with both an attitude and a competence that is not classically linked to a position at management level, starts at the point of ‘both and’. Rather, the idea of leadership can be supported by every actor in the respective educational organisation and contributed to joint action. This means that everyone can be an Agile Educational Leader in their own area.
- Klafki, W. (2007). Neue Studien zur Bildungstheorie und Didaktik. Zeitgemäße Allgemeinbildung und kritisch-konstruktive Didaktik. (6. Aufl.). Weinheim und Basel: Beltz. [↩] [↩] [↩]
- Licence:”>Mockup PSD by Vectorium —; book-cover by Kerstin Mayrberger, Lizenz CC BY 4.0 [↩]
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- Eickelmann, B., Bos, W., Gerick, J., Goldhammer, F., Schaumburg, H., Schwippert, K., Senkbeil, M. & Vahrenhold, J. (eds.) (2019). ICILS 2018 #Deutschland Computer- und informationsbezogene Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern im zweiten internationalen Vergleich und Kompetenzen im Bereich Computational Thinking. Münster: Waxmann. Retrieved 16.03.2021, from [↩]
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- Wissenschaftsrat (2015). Empfehlungen zum Verhältnis von Hochschulbildung und Arbeitsmarkt. Bielefeld. Accessed 16.03.2021, from – 15.pdf [↩]
- Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. (2017). Strategie „Bildung in der digitalen Welt“ (Resolution of the KMK of 08.12.2016 in the version of 07.12.2017). Berlin. Accessed 16.03.2021, from [↩]
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- Schüller, K., Busch, P., & Hindinger, C. (2019). Future Skills: Ein Framework für Data Literacy – Kompetenzrahmen und Forschungsbericht. Arbeitspapier Nr. 47. Berlin: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung. For both perspectives, general media-related competences and data competences, separate edu-competences are again named for teachers or actors working in the education sector in general, building on the respective personal competences, as in the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators, the DigCompEdu (Redecker, 2017) ((Redecker, C. (2017). European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators: DigCompEdu. In E. Punie (ed.), EUR2877S EN. Luxemburg: Publications Of- fice of the European Union. Accessed 31.03.2021 from tory/handle/JRC107466 [↩]
- Ifenthaler, D. (2020). Learning Analytics im Hochschulkontext – Potenziale aus Sicht von Stakeholdern, Datenschutz und Handlungsempfehlungen. In R. A. Fürst (ed.), Digitale Bildung und Künstliche Intelligenz in Deutschland. Nachhaltige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Zukunftsagenda (S. 519 – 535). Wiesbaden: Springer [↩]
- Fadel, C., Bialik, M. & Triling, B. (2017). Die vier Dimensionen der Bildung. Was Schülerinnen und Schüler im 21. Jahrhundert lernen müssen. Hamburg: Verlag ZLL21 e.V [↩]
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- Ehlers, U.-D. (2020). Future Skills. Wiesbaden: Springer VS [↩]