(A)AEL book version 2.0

Lese­zeit: 3 Minu­ten
Image licen­se ((Kers­tin Mayr­ber­ger. (2021). AEL book cover [Online Bild­ma­te­ri­al], licen­se CC BY 4.0 crea­ted by Vec­to­ri­um ‑en.freepik.com https://de.freepik.com/psd/mockup.))

On the (A)AEL book version 2.0 — a few formal comments in advance

Sin­ce 2021, this domain has been ite­ra­tively and incre­men­tal­ly deve­lo­ping the AEL book, an open and free­ly acces­si­ble online publi­ca­ti­on and open edu­ca­tio­nal resour­ce on the con­cep­tu­al approach and frame­work of Agi­le Edu­ca­tio­nal Lea­der­ship in Post-Digi­ta­li­ty (AEL for short). Sin­ce July 2024, the title of the approach and frame­work has been fur­ther deve­lo­ped to AAEL — Ambi­dex­trous Agi­le Edu­ca­tio­nal Lea­der­ship for the col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve design of (hig­her) edu­ca­ti­on in post-digi­ta­li­ty.

For the AEL book and, strict­ly spea­king, now for the AAEL book , the dif­fe­ren­tia­ti­on of a ver­si­on 2.0 is the next mile­stone for 2024/25. The AEL book ver­si­on 1.0 was com­ple­ted in 2021. It is still available as archi­ved ver­si­on 1.0 here in the menu on the left. 

A chat­bot for the AAEL book ( AAEL bot for short) has been set up. The AAEL bot bund­les pre­vious publi­ca­ti­ons (as of 7/2024) and ans­wers your ques­ti­ons about the con­cep­tu­al approach and frame­work Ambi­dex­trous Agi­le Edu­ca­tio­nal Lea­der­ship in Post-Digi­ta­li­ty in ver­si­on 2.0 on this basis. The­re is an icon on the left on the start page to open the bot. 

While updated and new chap­ters will gra­du­al­ly evol­ve into a com­pre­hen­si­ve ver­si­on 2.0, the pre­vious ver­si­on that is still available will remain valid.

The con­cep­tu­al deve­lo­p­ment of the approach and frame­work Agi­le Edu­ca­tio­nal Lea­der­ship in Post-Digi­ta­li­ty as well as its fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment in the empi­ri­cal and theo­re­ti­cal foun­da­ti­on and for a prac­ti­ca­ble trans­fer for the (hig­her) edu­ca­ti­on con­text are part of the rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment acti­vi­ties of Prof.‘in Dr.‘in Kers­tin Mayr­ber­ger at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hamburg.

The AEL book is a result and pro­duct of the DUA pro­ject. DUA stands for the pro­ject title “Digi­ta­li­tät und Ambi­dex­trie — Zum pro­fes­sio­nel­len Umgang mit Wan­del in for­ma­len (Hoch­schul-) Bil­dungs­kon­tex­ten unter den Bedin­gun­gen der Digi­ta­li­sie­rung” (see this trans­fer pro­fi­le for brief infor­ma­ti­on). The DUA project’s own web­site is the­r­e­fo­re lin­ked to this domain and ser­ves as a pro­duc­ti­ve and infor­ma­ti­ve point of refe­rence and fur­ther pro­ject con­text for the AEL book. The over­ar­ching DUA blog ancho­red the­re and its com­ment func­tion pro­vi­de the oppor­tu­ni­ty to find out about new deve­lo­p­ments and to come into direct cont­act with each other about the AEL book. 

Here you are invi­ted to com­ment on the cur­rent chan­ges, ask fur­ther ques­ti­ons and pro­vi­de input! Con­s­truc­ti­ve sug­ges­ti­ons will be included in the back­log for the AEL book. Plea­se keep the fol­lo­wing notes and infor­ma­ti­on on the pro­cess of editing the AEL book in its (inte­rim) ver­si­ons in mind: 

  • What you see here is alre­a­dy an MVP (Mini­mum Via­ble Pro­duct) of the AEL book in the agi­le and incre­men­tal sen­se, which is available to you befo­re com­ple­ti­on (#done).
  • Each new ver­si­on of the AEL book is given its own ver­si­on num­ber. Based on the pre­vious inter­me­dia­te ver­si­on 1.0, ver­si­on 2.0 is now the next goal. Until then, an inter­me­dia­te ver­si­on will be named after each chan­ge to indi­vi­du­al parts of the book. 
  • The ite­ra­ti­ve chan­ges, addi­ti­ons and res­truc­tu­ring in the indi­vi­du­al chap­ters of the online book are also mark­ed at the end of the respec­ti­ve page with the date of the last update and major chan­ges along the back­log are noted and made trans­pa­rent as the next ver­si­on with date in a chan­ge­log.
  • For every new sec­tion of text, every major chan­ge or new item from the AEL book and its con­text, the DUA pro­ject, the­re is a cor­re­spon­ding post on the DUA blog with a com­ment func­tion. If pos­si­ble, plea­se use this com­ment func­tion for dis­cus­sions, feed­back, ques­ti­ons and suggestions. 
  • A blog post direct­ly rela­ted to an online chap­ter with a com­ment func­tion is lin­ked direct­ly under the respec­ti­ve text sec­tion in the AEL book and is also acces­si­ble via the RSS feed “News about the AEL book & the DUA project”. 
  • The comm­ents in the DUA blog are mode­ra­ted, so the publi­ca­ti­on of comm­ents and repli­es may take a while. Comm­ents that do not fit the topic will not be published. 
  • All your comm­ents will be answered. 
  • In addi­ti­on, you can also send feed­back and comm­ents direct­ly by e‑mail or lea­ve them direct­ly on the rele­vant AEL posts via LinkedIn.

Last update on 01.07.2024(chan­ge­log)

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