On the (A)AEL book version 2.0 — a few formal comments in advance
Since 2021, this domain has been iteratively and incrementally developing the AEL book, an open and freely accessible online publication and open educational resource on the conceptual approach and framework of Agile Educational Leadership in Post-Digitality (AEL for short). Since July 2024, the title of the approach and framework has been further developed to AAEL — Ambidextrous Agile Educational Leadership for the collaborative design of (higher) education in post-digitality.
For the AEL book and, strictly speaking, now for the AAEL book , the differentiation of a version 2.0 is the next milestone for 2024/25. The AEL book version 1.0 was completed in 2021. It is still available as archived version 1.0 here in the menu on the left.
A chatbot for the AAEL book ( AAEL bot for short) has been set up. The AAEL bot bundles previous publications (as of 7/2024) and answers your questions about the conceptual approach and framework Ambidextrous Agile Educational Leadership in Post-Digitality in version 2.0 on this basis. There is an icon on the left on the start page to open the bot.
While updated and new chapters will gradually evolve into a comprehensive version 2.0, the previous version that is still available will remain valid.
The conceptual development of the approach and framework Agile Educational Leadership in Post-Digitality as well as its further development in the empirical and theoretical foundation and for a practicable transfer for the (higher) education context are part of the research and development activities of Prof.‘in Dr.‘in Kerstin Mayrberger at the University of Hamburg.
The AEL book is a result and product of the DUA project. DUA stands for the project title “Digitalität und Ambidextrie — Zum professionellen Umgang mit Wandel in formalen (Hochschul-) Bildungskontexten unter den Bedingungen der Digitalisierung” (see this transfer profile for brief information). The DUA project’s own website is therefore linked to this domain and serves as a productive and informative point of reference and further project context for the AEL book. The overarching DUA blog anchored there and its comment function provide the opportunity to find out about new developments and to come into direct contact with each other about the AEL book.
Here you are invited to comment on the current changes, ask further questions and provide input! Constructive suggestions will be included in the backlog for the AEL book. Please keep the following notes and information on the process of editing the AEL book in its (interim) versions in mind:
- What you see here is already an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) of the AEL book in the agile and incremental sense, which is available to you before completion (#done).
- Each new version of the AEL book is given its own version number. Based on the previous intermediate version 1.0, version 2.0 is now the next goal. Until then, an intermediate version will be named after each change to individual parts of the book.
- The iterative changes, additions and restructuring in the individual chapters of the online book are also marked at the end of the respective page with the date of the last update and major changes along the backlog are noted and made transparent as the next version with date in a changelog.
- For every new section of text, every major change or new item from the AEL book and its context, the DUA project, there is a corresponding post on the DUA blog with a comment function. If possible, please use this comment function for discussions, feedback, questions and suggestions.
- A blog post directly related to an online chapter with a comment function is linked directly under the respective text section in the AEL book and is also accessible via the RSS feed “News about the AEL book & the DUA project”.
- The comments in the DUA blog are moderated, so the publication of comments and replies may take a while. Comments that do not fit the topic will not be published.
- All your comments will be answered.
- In addition, you can also send feedback and comments directly by e‑mail or leave them directly on the relevant AEL posts via LinkedIn.
Last update on 01.07.2024(changelog)