Digitality 1.0

Lese­zeit: 17 Minu­ten

Note (15.02.2024): Last updated on 23.09.2021 (chan­ge­log). This page has been repla­ced by a cur­rent ver­si­on and is available here as an archi­ve for the AEL book ver­si­on 1.0 until fur­ther notice. 

“Digi­tal tech­no­lo­gies are omni­pre­sent and have fun­da­men­tal­ly chan­ged the con­di­ti­ons in which we live and work. I would descri­be the­se new con­di­ti­ons as digi­ta­li­ty.” (trans­la­ted with DeeplPro)

Felix Stal­der (2019)1

Today, digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on and digi­ta­li­ty gene­ral­ly repre­sent the self-evi­dent con­text in which are­as of socie­ty are deve­lo­ping. For the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor in par­ti­cu­lar, this over­all social trend opens up enorm­ous oppor­tu­ni­ties for its own cul­tu­ral deve­lo­p­ment, despi­te the chal­lenges. In this con­text, digi­ta­li­ty is of cen­tral importance for Agi­le Edu­ca­tio­nal Lea­der­ship due to its cul­tu­ral-sci­en­ti­fic ori­en­ta­ti­on as a con­tex­tu­al con­di­ti­on in the (hig­her) edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor and frame­work for action. Becau­se the terms rela­ting to the digi­tal in par­ti­cu­lar are very varied in the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor, this chap­ter dif­fe­ren­tia­tes and descri­bes the under­stan­ding of digi­ta­li­ty in order to crea­te a basis and frame of refe­rence for agi­le edu­ca­tio­nal lea­der­ship in the fol­lo­wing chapters. 


[Note: If the media file is not dis­play­ed cor­rect­ly in your brow­ser, all pod­cast chap­ters of the AEL book ver­si­on 1.0 can also be lis­ten­ed to direct­ly here.(ger­man version)]

Digital change

How have you expe­ri­en­ced the digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on in the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor so far?

When it comes to digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on and digi­ta­li­ty in the Ger­man edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor, a recur­ring pat­tern has been obser­ved in the deba­tes for at least the last 20 years, and it now seems pos­si­ble to break this pattern. 

From whea­ther to how
The role of the new media or digi­tal media or mobi­le media or e‑learning in edu­ca­ti­on, depen­ding on which term was favou­red at the time, was seen with its oppor­tu­ni­ties and limi­ta­ti­ons, reflec­ted on in detail and exem­pla­ry expe­ri­ments were car­ri­ed out. Over the last few deca­des, the inte­gra­ti­on of digi­tal media in edu­ca­ti­on, espe­ci­al­ly in school les­sons or uni­ver­si­ty tea­ching, has been less and less a ques­ti­on of whea­ther, dif, but more and more a ques­ti­on of how.

At the same time, it could be obser­ved that bey­ond broad deba­tes and diver­se pro­jects or indi­vi­du­al plans, rela­tively few sys­te­ma­tic, bin­ding acti­vi­ties took place across the board. Such acti­vi­ties could have con­tri­bu­ted to streng­thening the natu­ral inte­gra­ti­on of digi­tal media along­side the exis­ting, tra­di­tio­nal media, so that the didac­tic deve­lo­p­ment of lear­ning envi­ron­ments and thus lear­ning with regard to lear­ners and inno­va­ti­ve lear­ning sce­na­ri­os in sub­ject-spe­ci­fic and inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry con­texts beco­me more com­mon­place. On a posi­ti­ve note, it should be noted that the bold dis­cus­sion about the decis­i­on for or against digi­tal media in the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor is now view­ed in a more dif­fe­ren­tia­ted way. The only thing that now needs to be cla­ri­fied is the how, i.e. the ques­ti­on of imple­men­ta­ti­on. And this is whe­re we stand today. Behind the how how, to put it blunt­ly, is the chall­enge of an inno­va­ti­ve and con­tem­po­ra­ry deve­lo­p­ment of tea­ching and lear­ning as well as the deve­lo­p­ment of edu­ca­tio­nal orga­ni­sa­ti­ons and thus the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor. The cur­rent cri­ti­cal and con­s­truc­ti­ve expe­ri­en­ces that are being made ever­y­whe­re in the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor repre­sent a rea­li­stic and encou­ra­ging refe­rence for the next pos­si­ble steps in the deve­lo­p­ment of (hig­her) education. 

Tech­no­lo­gie as a dri­ver
To this day, ques­ti­ons about the deve­lo­p­ment of edu­ca­ti­on are quick­ly fol­lo­wed by the ques­ti­on of digi­ta­liza­ti­on as some­thing that is taken for gran­ted and with which inno­va­ti­ve edu­ca­ti­on is thought of tog­e­ther. This is fol­lo­wed by a focus on infra­struc­tu­re and its pro­cu­re­ment. Howe­ver, the equal­ly self-evi­dent next step is often miss­ing, name­ly the much more chal­len­ging ques­ti­on of how to enable a chan­ged lear­ning cul­tu­re in the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor and what role such a cul­tu­ral chan­ge plays for the stake­hol­ders invol­ved and what they need in such a process. 

At the same time, it can be obser­ved that a lot of time is always spent on the ques­ti­on of infra­struc­tu­re or, once this has been lar­ge­ly cla­ri­fied, the ques­ti­ons of rights and obli­ga­ti­ons. It seems that the fun­da­men­tal cul­tu­ral ques­ti­ons that can­not be rela­ted to indi­vi­du­al tools, tool­sets or end devices are also post­po­ned in this way — and with each new tech­no­lo­gi­cal advan­ce. This has been obser­ved over the last few years, with the respec­ti­ve deba­tes being fuel­led by new tech­no­lo­gies that have beco­me estab­lished on the mar­ket, and some­ti­mes also by exces­si­ve eupho­ria. Initi­al­ly, it was lap­tops for a lon­ger peri­od of time, fol­lo­wed by an inten­se deba­te about mobi­le devices such as tablets, com­bi­ned with Wi-Fi equip­ment and inter­ac­ti­ve white­boards in edu­ca­tio­nal insti­tu­ti­ons (see, i.e, Stol­ten­hoff, 2019 for a dis­cour­se ana­ly­sis of media edu­ca­ti­on in schools sin­ce 1995)3. Today, for exam­p­le, vir­tu­al rea­li­ty and aug­men­ted rea­li­ty are important tech­no­lo­gy-based dri­vers in voca­tio­nal edu­ca­ti­on and trai­ning and lear­ning ana­ly­tics in hig­her edu­ca­ti­on. Arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence is curr­ent­ly even regard­ed as an over­ar­ching social trend. But here, too, the real­ly exci­ting ques­ti­on is how the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor, or what is refer­red to here as edu­ca­tio­nal, can deve­lop under the­se con­di­ti­ons and what of this can be shaped by us actors. 

Bey­ond the how
Even if the focus is usual­ly pla­ced on tech­no­lo­gy first, a com­mon under­stan­ding is emer­ging that it can­not remain sole­ly with hard­ware and infra­struc­tu­re, but that the deve­lo­p­ment of a cor­re­spon­ding tea­ching and lear­ning cul­tu­re as well as media-rela­ted qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on or trai­ning of all stake­hol­ders is just as neces­sa­ry (see, for exam­p­le, the approach in the cross-edu­ca­tio­nal stra­tegy on edu­ca­ti­on for a digi­tal world of the KMK 2017))4. Howe­ver, the cen­tral chall­enge seems to be to move for­ward tog­e­ther as soon as the devices have been unpa­cked and the per­cen­ta­ge figu­res on Wi-Fi covera­ge have been sta­tis­ti­cal­ly pro­ces­sed. A fur­ther chall­enge lies in reco­gni­zing, in the important, cri­ti­cal deba­tes that are and should be held here, which indi­vi­du­al inte­rests shape and influence acti­vi­ties, espe­ci­al­ly in the lar­ge field of edu­ca­ti­on and digitalization. 

Over­all, all deba­tes to date have been lin­ked by the fact that they sta­gna­te con­spi­cuous­ly soon when it comes to the ques­ti­on of a sui­ta­ble how, i.e. the con­sis­tent imple­men­ta­ti­on pro­cess, espe­ci­al­ly when it comes to nati­on­wi­de pro­jects with the help of a mas­ter­plan. The­re seems to be more com­mit­ment in the cul­tu­re of deba­te sur­roun­ding the digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on of the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor than in a cul­tu­re of doing. But are long-term mas­ter plans for a digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on still nee­ded today, with tech­no­lo­gi­cal deve­lo­p­ment its­elf taking place in ever shorter cycles when it comes to the future of the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor and con­tem­po­ra­ry edu­ca­ti­on for the next generation? 

Digitalisation and digitality 

When con­side­ring cal­ling the approach pre­sen­ted here Agi­le Edu­ca­tio­nal Lea­der­ship, we deli­bera­te­ly refrai­ned from expli­cit­ly men­tio­ning or adding a refe­rence to digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on becau­se digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on is seen here as a self-evi­dent con­di­ti­on that con­sti­tu­tes the frame­work for action. Such an expli­cit addi­ti­on of a “digi­tal”, for exam­p­le, to digi­tal agi­le edu­ca­tio­nal lea­der­ship or agi­le edu­ca­tio­nal digi­tal lea­der­ship would also result in a trun­ca­ted view, becau­se this is not about digi­tal lea­der­ship with digi­tal tools or instru­ments, but essen­ti­al­ly about a tech­no­lo­gy-inde­pen­dent view. In this respect, the term Agi­le Edu­ca­tio­nal Lea­der­ship under the con­di­ti­ons of digi­ta­liza­ti­on and digi­ta­li­ty would be the most appro­pria­te from the cur­rent per­spec­ti­ve, pro­vi­ded that the estab­lish­ment of a con­cre­te refe­rence is seen as helpful. 

This choice of wor­ding can be explai­ned by the rele­van­ce of both a tech­no­lo­gi­cal and a cul­tu­ral stu­dies per­spec­ti­ve. And becau­se Agi­le Edu­ca­tio­nal Lea­der­ship, as will beco­me clea­rer in later chap­ters, is less asso­cia­ted with tech­no­lo­gies and tech­ni­ques and more with prac­ti­ces and prac­ti­ce and the asso­cia­ted com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, inter­ac­tion and joint action, it is pre­cis­e­ly a per­spec­ti­ve that focu­ses more stron­gly on cul­tu­re that is so relevant. 

The con­cept of digi­ta­li­ty was deve­lo­ped in the con­text of a cul­tu­re of digi­ta­li­ty (Stal­der, 2016)5 in recent years in the dis­cus­sion in the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor and with its help a con­scious dif­fe­ren­tia­ti­on from digi­ta­liza­ti­on has been made. 

For Stal­der, digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on stands for the mecha­ni­sa­ti­on and crea­ti­on of tech­ni­cal infra­struc­tu­re, which is a pre­re­qui­si­te for the (fur­ther) deve­lo­p­ment of a cul­tu­re of digi­ta­li­ty. This also appli­es to the tea­ching and lear­ning cul­tu­re in the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor as well as to all fields of action bey­ond tea­ching to the are­as of sup­port and admi­nis­tra­ti­on. Pure digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on of edu­ca­tio­nal insti­tu­ti­ons in the sen­se of mecha­ni­sa­ti­on would the­r­e­fo­re be a means to an end in order to ensu­re a bet­ter and long-negle­c­ted level of equip­ment and a func­tion­al infra­struc­tu­re. Howe­ver, this approach pres­ents a loo­ming obs­ta­cle to cul­tu­ral chan­ge: pre­vious and some­ti­mes out­da­ted approa­ches, struc­tures and con­cepts as well as pedago­gi­cal and didac­tic approa­ches could mere­ly be digi­ta­li­sed ins­tead of lea­ding to a rede­sign of the tea­ching and lear­ning cul­tu­re through deve­lo­ped approa­ches, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on methods or con­cepts for action. 

This is why it is some­ti­mes per­cei­ved as dif­fi­cult to speak of digi­ta­le edu­ca­ti­on or digi­tal lear­ning in a shor­ten­ed form, as this is often asso­cia­ted with and con­veys the afo­re­men­tio­ned hurd­le of digi­ta­li­zed edu­ca­ti­on or digi­ta­li­zed lear­ning. This impli­es that pre­vious edu­ca­tio­nal ide­as and tea­ching and lear­ning con­cepts from ever­y­day ana­lo­gue life could basi­cal­ly be digi­ti­zed 1:1 if only the right tech­no­lo­gy were available. An alter­na­ti­ve view would be to use the pos­si­bi­li­ties now expan­ded by digi­ta­liza­ti­on to make new, appro­pria­te didac­tic con­side­ra­ti­ons for tea­ching or in the deve­lo­p­ment of cur­ri­cu­la, modu­les or cur­ri­cu­la. The topic of imple­men­ting distance lear­ning in schools or online tea­ching in uni­ver­si­ties is curr­ent­ly a very pro­mi­nent exam­p­le of this (Hoch­schul­fo­rum Digi­ta­li­sie­rung, 2020)6.

In (hig­her) edu­ca­ti­on, digi­ta­li­ty also stands for a more cul­tu­ral stu­dies per­spec­ti­ve and descrip­ti­on of the cur­rent sta­te of socie­ty under the con­di­ti­ons of a cul­tu­re of digi­ta­li­ty (Mayr­ber­ger, 2020)7. Digi­ta­li­tät baut auf Tech­ni­sie­rung und Digi­ta­li­sie­rung auf und meint das Aus­han­deln von Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­ons- und Hand­lungs­wei­sen und beinhal­tet letzt­lich die Fra­ge, wie wir in der heu­ti­gen Gesell­schaft leben, arbei­ten und auch ler­nen wol­len. Digi­ta­li­tät meint daher mehr als Digi­ta­li­sie­rung, und umfasst Pra­xis wie Prak­ti­ken in einer Kul­tur der Digi­ta­li­tät. Die­se Kul­tur der Digi­ta­li­tät ist vor allem geprägt durch drei beson­de­re For­men: 1) Refe­ren­zia­li­tät, d.h. Ver­net­zung von Per­so­nen und Daten; 2) Gemein­schaft­lich­keit, d.h. sozia­le Gemein­schaft und sozi­al ver­netz­tes Han­deln sowie 3) Algo­rith­mi­zi­tät, die auf die gro­ße Bedeu­tung von Daten Bezug nimmt und deren Ein­wir­ken auf Ent­schei­dun­gen und das Suchen und Fin­den sowie Ver­net­zen von Inhal­ten. Die­se Bedin­gun­gen rah­men der­zeit unser Han­deln und stel­len damit auch die rah­men­den Bedin­gun­gen für einen Kul­tur­wan­del in den unter­schied­li­chen Bil­dungs­be­rei­chen dar (sie­he Stal­der 2017 für den Hoch­schul­bil­dungs­be­reich)8.

Digitality and higher education

Stal­der gets to the heart of the con­nec­tion bet­ween digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on, digi­ta­li­ty and the edu­ca­tio­nal con­text very well when he high­lights the exam­p­le of hig­her education: 

“The cen­tral chall­enge for uni­ver­si­ties under the con­di­ti­ons chan­ged by digi­ta­li­ty is not pri­ma­ri­ly which devices should now be purcha­sed, but how they should and want to reor­ga­ni­se their own prac­ti­ces under the­se con­di­ti­ons. […] The chal­lenges of digi­ta­li­ty are the­r­e­fo­re not pri­ma­ri­ly on a tech­ni­cal level, but on an epis­te­mo­lo­gi­cal and orga­ni­sa­tio­nal level. Only by deve­lo­ping ans­wers to the­se chal­lenges can the infra­struc­tu­re be deve­lo­ped in such a way that it ful­fils the chan­ged requi­re­ments for tea­ching, rese­arch and social embed­ding” (trans­la­ted with DeeplPro) 

(Stal­der, 2018, S. 15)9 

A cul­tu­ral per­spec­ti­ve on digi­ta­li­ty is also based on the fact that, unli­ke tech­no­lo­gi­cal pro­gress, it is not neces­s­a­ri­ly repla­ced by the next tech­no­lo­gi­cal trend. Rather, ana­lo­gue and digi­tal prac­ti­ces can exist along­side each other as well as inte­gra­ted or buil­ding on each other and the­re can also be reinter­pre­ta­ti­ons of pre­vious­ly ana­lo­gue prac­ti­ces in a digi­tal con­text (Heim­städt, M., & Gegen­hu­ber, T., 2020)10. In this respect, the term digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on or digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on of tea­ching and lear­ning or digi­tal lear­ning as well as digi­tal edu­ca­ti­on falls short in the (fur­ther) deve­lo­p­ment of the (hig­her) edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor, which usual­ly starts at the micro level of tea­ching and learning. 

An alter­na­ti­ve con­side­ra­ti­on would be the idea of a gap word to make it clear that the­re are a varie­ty of tech­no­lo­gi­cal and cul­tu­ral per­spec­ti­ves on “digi­tal”, digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on and digi­ta­li­ty with regard to edu­ca­ti­on. One could then speak of Digi­tal­Bil­dung some­what arti­fi­ci­al­ly, but with an inte­gra­ting inten­ti­on, in order to impli­cit­ly think about and depict the differentiation. 

The con­tex­tu­al con­di­ti­on of digi­tal chan­ge is a dyna­mic one and will also have an impact on the deve­lo­p­ment of inter­ac­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and thus on the cul­tu­re of digi­ta­li­ty over time. The dif­fe­ren­tia­ti­on out­lined here is rele­vant for agi­le edu­ca­tio­nal lea­der­ship becau­se it beco­mes clear that digi­ta­li­ty as a frame­work is an expli­cit con­di­ti­on and meaningful refe­rence point that frames the approach, but is not its­elf an expli­cit part of the approach. The edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor as well as edu­ca­tio­nal orga­niza­ti­ons and insti­tu­ti­ons will deve­lop in the cour­se of their respec­ti­ve digi­tal transformation. 

Digital transformation

The digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on in the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor and its edu­ca­tio­nal orga­ni­sa­ti­ons can be explai­ned quite sober­ly by the fact that all pro­ces­ses and frame­work con­di­ti­ons are digi­tal and the­r­e­fo­re based on digi­tal data and infor­ma­ti­on pro­ces­sing in order to moder­ni­se the edu­ca­tio­nal organisation. 

The dis­cus­sion about the role of tech­no­lo­gies in the edu­ca­tio­nal pro­cess and the neces­sa­ry infra­struc­tu­re, which has been obser­ved exten­si­ve­ly in recent deca­des, is the­r­e­fo­re rele­vant becau­se it crea­tes a neces­sa­ry basis, but it is no lon­ger suf­fi­ci­ent with regard to the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor. Today, the role of data, its gene­ra­ti­on and, abo­ve all, its sto­rage, use and dele­ti­on is much more important from the per­spec­ti­ve of tho­se invol­ved in edu­ca­ti­on. Data in the (hig­her) edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor can be used to opti­mi­ze coun­sel­ling, lear­ning and exami­na­ti­on pro­ces­ses as well as stu­dy pro­gram­me plan­ning, as is curr­ent­ly bund­led under the key­word lear­ning ana­ly­tics (Ifen­tha­ler, 2020)11. In addi­ti­on, the role of data not only in socie­ty as a who­le, but also in the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor, gives rise to a cri­ti­cal dis­cus­sion of its use and the abili­ty to hand­le it well and responsibly. 

From the per­spec­ti­ve of the orga­ni­sa­ti­ons, the ana­ly­sis and use of data is of inte­rest, be it for the opti­mi­sa­ti­on of busi­ness pro­ces­ses in rela­ti­on to the enti­re edu­ca­tio­nal orga­ni­sa­ti­on, as is the case, for exam­p­le, for uni­ver­si­ties that are not sta­te-fun­ded (see, for exam­p­le, the descrip­ti­on of the US initia­ti­ve EDUCAUSE)12.

Less sober­ly, digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on in the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor stands for a cul­tu­ral chan­ge that, if suc­cessful, repres­ents a very effec­ti­ve ele­ment in the joint fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of socie­ty, inclu­ding the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor. At the same time, howe­ver, with all the digi­tal inno­va­tions, it is also an enorm­ous endea­vor for ever­yo­ne invol­ved, becau­se some of the pre­vious habits are now being cal­led into ques­ti­on or com­ple­te­ly repla­ced by new possibilities. 

Chan­ged life­world
Just as our ever­y­day life­world is per­me­a­ted by media, it is also under­stan­da­ble that the edu­ca­tio­nal sec­tor is. And we noti­ce in our ever­y­day com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and actions how some­thing is chan­ging – per­haps only uncon­scious­ly at first. The clea­rest exam­p­le of this is the way in which our exch­an­ge of infor­ma­ti­on has deve­lo­ped via mobi­le pho­nes and today’s smart­phones. If you think back to the role play­ed by making pho­ne calls with an ana­lo­gue pho­ne at home or in the pho­ne booths that were set up ever­y­whe­re, the role that mobi­le pho­ne capa­bi­li­ty and sen­ding text mes­sa­ges has sin­ce come to play for us, and how that has chan­ged again sin­ce every smart­phone is a small com­pu­ter and we can access the inter­net from any smart­phone. In par­ti­cu­lar, our acti­vi­ties in social net­works and via mes­sen­ger ser­vices show us how the way we inter­act with each other has slow­ly chan­ged. Just think, for exam­p­le, of the fact that it has now beco­me com­mon prac­ti­ce to send video or voice mes­sa­ges via a mes­sen­ger ser­vice that was ori­gi­nal­ly inten­ded for text mes­sa­ges. What has remain­ed the same is that you can exch­an­ge mes­sa­ges at the same time, i.e. syn­chro­no­us­ly, or at dif­fe­rent times, i.e. asyn­chro­no­us­ly – only the way in which you do it has expan­ded and deve­lo­ped. The exam­p­le shows that as tech­no­lo­gies have deve­lo­ped, our prac­ti­ces, i.e. how we do some­thing as a mat­ter of cour­se or how we do some­thing, have also deve­lo­ped or have been com­ple­te­ly rein­tro­du­ced. The fact that exch­an­ge has a high cul­tu­ral value has not chan­ged. But the prac­ti­ce of how we inter­act with each other has deve­lo­ped over the years becau­se, for exam­p­le, in addi­ti­on to tele­pho­ne and let­ter, other com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on for­mats such as e‑mail, SMS or short mes­sa­ges or video and text mes­sa­ges are available, which can be sup­ple­men­ted by images or emoticons. 

Chan­ged world of edu­ca­ti­on
Simi­lar to the exam­p­le of exch­an­ge in the pri­va­te sphe­re, the digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on in the field of edu­ca­ti­on not only ensu­res the mecha­niza­ti­on of pro­ces­ses, for which digi­tal infra­struc­tu­re is nee­ded to moder­ni­ze the orga­niza­ti­on of edu­ca­ti­on, but is also part­ly respon­si­ble for a cul­tu­ral chan­ge when new prac­ti­ces and thus chan­ged edu­ca­tio­nal prac­ti­ce deve­lop in an emer­gent way. We are also expe­ri­en­cing this in tea­ching and lear­ning, or more abs­tract­ly in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, inter­ac­tion and social inter­ac­tion with each other, as exem­pli­fied by the now taken-for-gran­ted and incre­asing­ly con­fi­dent use of video con­fe­ren­cing, which will pro­ba­b­ly have beco­me estab­lished for sel­ec­ted formats. 

Digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on in the (hig­her) edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor can bring about a chan­ge in tea­ching and lear­ning cul­tu­re if con­cre­te ide­as about how we want to teach and learn in the future are com­bi­ned with the acti­vi­ties that digi­tal tech­no­lo­gies enable today or requi­re from users in a posi­ti­ve sen­se due to the way they are used. For exam­p­le, an exch­an­ge in a group chat or forum bet­ween tea­chers and lear­ners or bet­ween lear­ners them­sel­ves is docu­men­ted on a lear­ning plat­form for all to read, thus ensu­ring trans­pa­ren­cy bet­ween all par­ti­ci­pan­ts. The same appli­es to wiki tech­no­lo­gy, as can be seen from the exam­p­le of Wiki­pe­dia: Anyo­ne can con­tri­bu­te and chan­ge some­thing, but what has been edi­to­ri­al­ly released by whom and for what reasons it has been dele­ted, chan­ged or rewrit­ten is docu­men­ted in the ver­sio­ning of the respec­ti­ve pages in a way that is equal­ly trans­pa­rent and com­pre­hen­si­ble for ever­yo­ne. Through auto­ma­ted docu­men­ta­ti­on, tech­no­lo­gy the­r­e­fo­re poten­ti­al­ly con­tri­bu­tes to the pos­si­bi­li­ty that the exch­an­ge can take place in a com­pre­hen­si­ble man­ner and thus more on an equal foo­ting or, on the con­tra­ry, that power con­stel­la­ti­ons beco­me appa­rent. Power imba­lan­ces bet­ween the actors can pos­si­bly even be redu­ced with this infor­ma­ti­on. In this way, tea­ching and les­sons can poten­ti­al­ly be desi­gned in a more trans­pa­rent, open and over­all lear­ner-ori­en­ta­ted way in line with didac­ti­cal­ly con­tem­po­ra­ry tea­ching and lear­ning con­cepts in order to enable and encou­ra­ge lear­ners to take grea­ter respon­si­bi­li­ty for their lear­ning process. 

Indi­vi­du­als in Focus
The chall­enge for the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor out­lined abo­ve still lies in the how, i.e. the pro­cess of the (fur­ther) deve­lo­p­ment of edu­ca­tio­nal orga­niza­ti­ons with their respec­ti­ve tea­ching and lear­ning cul­tures and their estab­lished prac­ti­ces and respec­ti­ve spe­cia­list aca­de­mia prac­ti­ces under the con­di­ti­ons of digitality. 

In most cases, as is the case here, the micro level of tea­ching and lear­ning and, strict­ly spea­king, also of test­ing is loo­ked at first in this con­text, becau­se this is easier for many to grasp through their own expe­ri­en­ces. And the micro level is also addres­sed becau­se it is also important that the edu­ca­tio­nal sec­tor should ulti­m­ate­ly enable suc­cessful and good lear­ning and edu­ca­tio­nal pro­ces­ses. It is the­r­e­fo­re important to empha­si­ze that alt­hough the exam­p­le of tea­ching and lear­ning is often cited becau­se it is easy to ima­gi­ne, actors in the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor who can poten­ti­al­ly take on agi­le edu­ca­tio­nal lea­der­ship for their sec­tor natu­ral­ly also refer to actors who share respon­si­bi­li­ty for the wider frame­work, wit­hout which tea­ching or les­sons would not be pos­si­ble at all, in addi­ti­on to lear­ners and tea­chers. This includes employees in admi­nis­tra­ti­on or from the sup­port sys­tems as well as tho­se with manage­ment func­tions or edu­ca­tio­nal poli­cy tasks. 

In this way, it was also made clear here as an exam­p­le for the micro level that much more is pos­si­ble with digi­tal media in the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor than sim­ply trans­fer­ring exis­ting les­sons or tea­ching, inclu­ding estab­lished pro­ce­du­res and didac­tic con­cepts, 1:1 to digi­tal and thus digi­tiz­ing them. The tech­ni­cal infra­struc­tu­re that digi­tal media offers for tea­ching and lear­ning, as well as for rese­arch and admi­nis­tra­ti­on, forms the basis for the deve­lo­p­ment of a spe­ci­fic cul­tu­re of digi­ta­li­ty for each edu­ca­tio­nal sec­tor with its own practices. 

The­re is now a bet­ter oppor­tu­ni­ty to cul­ti­va­te lear­ner-cent­red prac­ti­ces, for exam­p­le. For such a per­spec­ti­ve, the rela­ti­onship or prio­ri­ti­sa­ti­on of pedago­gy, tech­no­lo­gy, digi­ta­liza­ti­on or didac­tics is irrele­vant. After all, when deve­lo­ping new con­cepts and approa­ches for (hig­her) edu­ca­ti­on, indi­vi­du­al lear­ners and their indi­vi­du­al, ite­ra­ti­ve lear­ning pro­ces­ses are beco­ming more important than going through or tea­ching a cer­tain amount of con­tent, as is tra­di­tio­nal­ly the case. The design of for­mal, non-for­mal or even infor­mal lear­ning envi­ron­ments in such a lear­ner-cent­red prac­ti­ce is geared towards the peo­p­le invol­ved with their diver­se needs and con­tri­bu­ti­ons – and of cour­se under the con­di­ti­ons of digitality. 

Just as in the spe­ci­fic area of tea­ching and lear­ning, lear­ner-ori­en­ta­ti­on and thus the focus on indi­vi­du­als and their wil­ling­ness to take respon­si­bi­li­ty for their own lear­ning pro­cess can pro­mo­te chan­ge in the lear­ning cul­tu­re, agi­le edu­ca­tio­nal lea­der­ship also starts with the indi­vi­du­al. Here too, the aim is to act effec­tively step by step in the respec­ti­ve area, in which ever­yo­ne takes respon­si­bi­li­ty for their respec­ti­ve area of acti­vi­ty in the form of an idea of lea­der­ship and demons­tra­tes lea­der­ship. Such indi­vi­du­al and team efforts to advan­ce the edu­ca­ti­on sec­tor in the digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on could help to make bet­ter pro­gress with the how than befo­re – name­ly step by step. 

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