Note (15.02.2024): Last updated on 23.09.2021 (changelog). This page has been replaced by a current version and is available here as an archive for the AEL book version 1.0 until further notice.
[Note: If the media file is not displayed correctly in your browser, all podcast chapters of the AEL book version 1.0 can also be listened to directly here.]
After around six months of writing, the first iteration of the Agile Eductational Leadership approach is now available as version 1.0. It is an MVP (minimal valuable product). Written in the form of an essay. Understood as an invitation to think differently about leadership in the educational context and, above all, to realise it in order to be better positioned than before for the VUCA world in this central area of our society.
In this status, the approach or framework Agile Educational Leadership Agile Educational Leadership represents a first version of the core argumentation and essential ideas and inter- and transdisciplinary references and points of contact that I have integrated into it. No more – and no less.
Now is the time for you, as potential stakeholders and target group, to take part in the review phase. Please feel free to share your comments in the various ways that we would like to open up to you via this website, but also via the traditional e‑mail channel. In September, I will have several opportunities to present the current status of the considerations in person via texts and presentations and to enter into discussions. This will be followed by — how could it be otherwise — the further development of Agile Educational Leadership towards a version 2.0.
It is already foreseeable that the next version will prioritize the chapter on Agile Educational Leadership itself, which is still in its infancy and will certainly require in-depth improvement over the summer break and the stakeholder dialogue. In addition, a technical foundation for the chapter on ambidexterity in the context of education is already planned, for which research is already underway. And last but not least, as already written with a focus on people, there will now also be a separate chapter focusing on (higher) education organizations and a discussion of development opportunities from more conformist and linear organizations to evolutionary and integral forms of organization in the context of digital transformation.
In addition, this version 1.0 serves as a starting point for further in-depth research into Agile Educational Leadership as part of the “DUA – Digitalität und Ambidextrie“ project and for research projects to be applied for.
Version 1.0 would not exist in its present form after its launch at the beginning of this year without the wonderful project team from the DUA project. Our special thanks go to Amelie Nickel and Nadine Oldenburg, who, as in the entire DUA project, bravely and trustingly engaged in the iterative development process of the online book as well as our collaboration along agile values, principles and methods. We discovered, tested, tinkered and learnt a lot together in terms of content and technology and, above all, had fun doing it.
In addition to the DUA project, I had a regular partner in Mark for dialogue and co-creation. His enormous knowledge in the areas of agility in the broadest sense, which were relatively new to me, is behind and in the chapters presented here in a thought-provoking and scrutinising way. Above all, however, he made it his business to make me another thought-provoking offer or send me an interesting source whenever I thought I had finished. So a big thank you to Mark, Mark, because every time I thought I had everything I needed to write, he offered me new ideas. I wasn’t able to include everything here – but there are other versions of Agile Educational Leadership.
In the spirit of Sinek’s Golden Circle, in addition to the scientific foundation of Agile Educational Leadership as a framework in the sense of a path (How?), we also have an answer to a practical implementation (What?) in mind, which we are currently calling Ambidextrie4me. This answer is expected to be reflected in winter 2021 in (online) offers such as a first AEL Masterclass including corresponding coaching offers.
But perhaps you are also interested in thinking along here, making comments or – if it feels right – getting involved, i.e. picking up one of the many threads and spinning it along to enrich and further develop Agile Educational Leadership Agile Educational Leadership? Then please feel free to contakt me!
- Licence:”>Mockup PSD by Vectorium —; Book-Cover by Kerstin Mayrberger, Lizenz CC BY 4.0 [↩]